Simplicity 8403 (1977): The Home Stretch

Sleeve trim
Originally uploaded by Little Black Car
I don't actually have updated photos; I'm just using this one for visual interest.

I'm barreling down the home stretch on this project; I've got the belt, the collar, and the hand-finishing on the sleeves left to go. It's all pretty hilarious, really. If you Google "finished seams," you'll find endless testimony about how finishing your seams will make your sewing look more professional. Hmm. I guess that might be the case for some people, but since I come from the Out Of Left Field, Self-Taught, School of Seam Finishing, mine make whatever I sew look that much more homemade. On the other hand, my seams don't fray in the wash and don't require extra machines (sergers, etc.) to finish, so, as far as I'm concerned, they get the job done even if they look weird.

For the record, I either butterfly and topstitch, or half-@#$ flat-fell straight seams, and curved seams get folded in on themselves and whip-stitched, which I guess is sort of a false French seam, only not executed correctly. It works, though; it's easy since armscyes and other curved seams are pretty much bias-cut, and it definitely keeps things from unraveling.

I'll 'fess up right now that it has been an exercise in fitful and undisciplined sewing. I sewed things all out of order and my seam-finishing defied logic and common sense. The results look fine from the outside, but there is definitely a bit of the whited sepulchre going on here.
