I had a bit of a time-use crisis last night. My plan upon leaving work was to get home, eat something, walk the dog, and then use my little evening time to work on the cap sleeves for Simplicity 6040.
I got home, ate something, walked the dog . . . and totally ran out of steam. My visions of being disciplined and industrious gave way to an inclination to eat Fritos and chug Dublin Dr. Pepper while watching "Dr. G: Medical Examiner."
Oh, well.
However, once I'd checked my email, munched a few Fritos, taken a swig or two of DDP, and admitted my inertia on Facebook, I decided I was being ridiculous and that I could just as well watch blood and guts while I sewed since both the sewing machine and the bed on which I intended to loll are in the same room, in front of the same television.
Second wind: I got Marian Martin 9008 (1955) in the mail today, and it happened to have a sleeve similar to the one I wanted for 6040.
I measured 6040's armscye (21") and then measured 9008's sleeve pattern (22"). Since I wanted a little less slope, anyway, I folded a wedge out of the shoulder side of the sleeve pattern, tapering away to nothing toward the outside edge.
And then I traced it:
Then, I cut two out of scrap and sewed them together into a sleeve. I basted the test sleeve into the armscye today during my lunch hour:
And then I tried it on and took a horrible picture of myself in the mirror. In the office bathroom. What? Nobody cares if I sew on my lunch break.
I got home, ate something, walked the dog . . . and totally ran out of steam. My visions of being disciplined and industrious gave way to an inclination to eat Fritos and chug Dublin Dr. Pepper while watching "Dr. G: Medical Examiner."
Oh, well.
However, once I'd checked my email, munched a few Fritos, taken a swig or two of DDP, and admitted my inertia on Facebook, I decided I was being ridiculous and that I could just as well watch blood and guts while I sewed since both the sewing machine and the bed on which I intended to loll are in the same room, in front of the same television.
Second wind: I got Marian Martin 9008 (1955) in the mail today, and it happened to have a sleeve similar to the one I wanted for 6040.
I measured 6040's armscye (21") and then measured 9008's sleeve pattern (22"). Since I wanted a little less slope, anyway, I folded a wedge out of the shoulder side of the sleeve pattern, tapering away to nothing toward the outside edge.
And then I traced it:
Then, I cut two out of scrap and sewed them together into a sleeve. I basted the test sleeve into the armscye today during my lunch hour:
And then I tried it on and took a horrible picture of myself in the mirror. In the office bathroom. What? Nobody cares if I sew on my lunch break.
It's looking especially Frankendress with that extra shade of green on the sleeve. How appropriate for Hallowe'en season.
(The collar is more comfortable than I expected. The buttons and loops are one the wrong sides because I apparently am fastener-dyslexic, but whatever. I sure don't care enough to rip out all that topstitching and change it.)
The sleeve is too long--that is, there is more sleeve than armscye--and it also needs to be narrower overall, and narrower on the underside, but, mostly, it's not at all bad for a winging-it first attempt. I am very much encouraged. That means that there's basically one evening of work left on this. I need to do the tie belt, too, but that's only a long rectangle.
I also sewed up the side-seams and finished them with my favorite turned-over method. That almost doesn't count as progress since it's so easy, but every little bit helps. Sleeves and hem left to go.
(The collar is more comfortable than I expected. The buttons and loops are one the wrong sides because I apparently am fastener-dyslexic, but whatever. I sure don't care enough to rip out all that topstitching and change it.)
The sleeve is too long--that is, there is more sleeve than armscye--and it also needs to be narrower overall, and narrower on the underside, but, mostly, it's not at all bad for a winging-it first attempt. I am very much encouraged. That means that there's basically one evening of work left on this. I need to do the tie belt, too, but that's only a long rectangle.
I also sewed up the side-seams and finished them with my favorite turned-over method. That almost doesn't count as progress since it's so easy, but every little bit helps. Sleeves and hem left to go.