I ate Saturday's rice pudding in very short order, so it seemed like it would only do to make some more. I'm almost out of white rice--I can't think of a better way to use it up than pudding.
Recipe #2 came from a Mahatma/Water Maid Rice cookbooklet. There's no date but the style of the people drawings in it suggest it's from the early 1950's.
Recipe #2 came from a Mahatma/Water Maid Rice cookbooklet. There's no date but the style of the people drawings in it suggest it's from the early 1950's.
1 1/4 cups cold cooked Water Maid or Mahatma rice [. . . or whatever brand you have.] (260 calories)Cook and cool rice or use leftover rice. Beat eggs light and thick [I used a hand-cranked rotary beater], fold in milk. Lightly mix in remaining ingredients. Place in a buttered 1 1/2-quart casserole. Bake in a shallow pan of water at 350 degrees (moderate oven) about 1 hour, until a silver knife [mine was stainless. Apparently I'm too tacky to cook with Water Maid or Mahatma Rice] inserted in the center comes out clean. Serve with cream, caramel sauce, or lemon sauce. 6 servings.
2 eggs (160 calories)
2 cups milk [I used skim.] (180 calories)
1 cup seedless raisins [I used 1/4 cup because I don't like that many raisins in things.] (130 calories for 1/4 cup)
1/2 cup sugar (390 calories)
1/4 teaspoon salt [I used several good shakes.]
1 teaspoon vanilla (15 calories)
Dash of cinnamon and nutmeg
I think I like the other one better, but this one is good. If you like your rice pudding a little sweeter and more eggy, you'll prefer this. I think I need to go somewhere in between--maybe 1 3/4 cups rice and 1/3 cup sugar.
Six generous (breakfast-sized) servings
Total calories: 1135
Per serving (1/6 of recipe): 190
Per small serving (1/8 of recipe): 145