New Patterns (1930's - 1950's): 2011 July 7

Happy birthday to me!

Marian Martin 9166 (1960's): Suit pattern with boxy jacket and either pencil skirt or full, inverted-pleat skirt.

Mail Order 2433 (1940's): I don't think this is actually a wrap dress, but I haven't looked that closely yet. I might make it one if it's not, and hopefully avoid the back tie. Back ties seem odd in housedresses, when you would most likely have worn an apron with them. Too many ties.

Vogue 8055 (1953): Nice, simple, jumper or sundress. Never goes out of style.

Simplicity 3517 (1940): I won't be going for the Robin Hood hat, but who doesn't love a good shirt-dress?
Anne Adams R4853 (1950's): I'll need to enlarge this by a size, but, holy cow--when was the last time you saw such an awesome dress? This is part of the Walkaway Dress fad, except I think I like this one better. Definitely needs a big, bold, Fifties-style, print.

Butterick 6655 (1953): Another Walkaway clone, with a more complex design. I love that rose color--I might have to copy that.

Simplicity 3264 (1939):
I love that blue dress so much I just might have to make one in blue with yellow rick-rack. I also love that this can be either a day dress or a housedress. Depression-era frugality.

McCall 9238 (1937?): I love that blue one with the topstitching.
