I thought I'd started a series of project postings about this, but--lo and behold!--I had not.
One of the drawbacks of wearing so many dresses is that I'm starting to realize that I'm deficient in wardrobe staples. I have black twill for a new skirt, and I'd like to have a brown corduroy on in the not-too-distant future.
I also have no blouses.
Well, I have blouses, but they're all too specific. I have a drawer-full of turtlenecks and henleys for work and winter, respectively. I have a collection of outrageous embroidered Western shirts that can do any Texan proud. I lack basics. I have one white blouse and it was old when I got it at the secondhand store, ten years ago, when I was in college (it's also at least a size too big. Probably two sizes). I have a blue calico skirt almost ready to cut and nothing to wear with it.
I got this awhile ago and was/am waffling over whether or not to keep it. I guess the acid test is how it looks on me, right? I'm pretty skeptical of the boxy shape, and the only white cotton I could get that was opaque enough was Kona, which is sort of stiff. Maybe with a lot of washing . . .
Butterick 6038 (1978-1979): I'm making the short-sleeved version on the left, with the side ties. The drawstring waist is too Seventies even for me.
One of the drawbacks of wearing so many dresses is that I'm starting to realize that I'm deficient in wardrobe staples. I have black twill for a new skirt, and I'd like to have a brown corduroy on in the not-too-distant future.
I also have no blouses.
Well, I have blouses, but they're all too specific. I have a drawer-full of turtlenecks and henleys for work and winter, respectively. I have a collection of outrageous embroidered Western shirts that can do any Texan proud. I lack basics. I have one white blouse and it was old when I got it at the secondhand store, ten years ago, when I was in college (it's also at least a size too big. Probably two sizes). I have a blue calico skirt almost ready to cut and nothing to wear with it.
I got this awhile ago and was/am waffling over whether or not to keep it. I guess the acid test is how it looks on me, right? I'm pretty skeptical of the boxy shape, and the only white cotton I could get that was opaque enough was Kona, which is sort of stiff. Maybe with a lot of washing . . .
Butterick 6038 (1978-1979): I'm making the short-sleeved version on the left, with the side ties. The drawstring waist is too Seventies even for me.
I added 3/4 inch to each quarter at the hip. I can always take it out again if it's too belled.

I wasn't supposed to topstitch the neck facing on this version, but whatever. I didn't interface because of the stiff fabric, and I hate loose facings, so topstitching was definitely in order.

So far:

My obsessive seam-finishing. This is a sort of faux-faux-French seam: The seam allowances are turned inward toward each other and whipstitched.
I'm basting the collar on today at lunch.