These aren't scheduled to be released until December or January, and I requested that they all be shipped together to save postage costs, but eventually, they'll be in my hot little hands.
942 Classic Fun Foals: New mold, Classic Haflinger foal in dark bay tobiano. Will be "Firethorn Delphine", spotted draft pony filly.
942 Classic Fun Foals: Warmblood[?] foal in sorrel. Will be "Cricket", chestnut sport pony filly (pending x Katydid).
938 Classic Haflinger mare: Haflingers are given names that share the first letters of the name of their sire (for stallions and geldings) or dam (for mares), so her name will depend on the mother I find for her.
1474 "GG Valentine" and "Heartbreaker": Bay warmbloods. Will be "Tambourine" and "Tom Tom", bay Standardbred mare and foal. Because I like Standardbreds.
942 Classic Fun Foals: New mold, Classic Haflinger foal in dark bay tobiano. Will be "Firethorn Delphine", spotted draft pony filly.
1474 "GG Valentine" and "Heartbreaker": Bay warmbloods. Will be "Tambourine" and "Tom Tom", bay Standardbred mare and foal. Because I like Standardbreds.
I really, really, love the new Haflinger molds. I feel like I need to get some extras to customize as a Haflinger filly, a spotted draft pony dam, and possibly a Fjord mare and foal.