Stumbling back toward my normal routine

I'm still pink and itchy, so I went back to the doctor's today.  He said I looked like a classic case of drug allergy but his money was on the antibiotic, not the ibuprofen.  Apparently it's pretty common to take most of a course of antibiotics before one gets sensitized to them and breaks out.  If this is the case, it's A-OK by me because I suspect it will be a lot easier to avoid taking clindamycin for the rest of my life than it would be to avoid ibuprofen.  Meanwhile, I get to try out a short course of prednisone to see if it cools down my spots [two hours later: Looks like it's working already!].

I'm so spoiled.  I get the occasional cold and a round of the flu every few years but, mostly, I'm not used to having to go to the doctor or take medications. 

And I was right: My dog has infected anal glands.  She's never had anal gland problems before, but why not cram in a few new ailments in her waning years, right?  Good grief.  Luckily, she's a greedy little pig and is great at taking pills disguised in food.

On a lighter note, I spent yesterday sewing pillowcases.  Mom gives novelty pillowcases as gifts, but there was a backlog of them hogging the sewing area, so I stayed home to work on them for her.  One set in particular (pix later) I decided needed colored bias trim stripes.  We had some of the colors, but didn't have bright purple or a good pink, and the light blue was very discolored and dirty.  I tried washing it but it didn't help (I threw it out.  We inherited it from my grandmother; if it wouldn't wash clean, I wasn't going to fret too much if it wasn't usable).  So, I set out for Wal-Mart.

Half-way to Wal-Mart, I got a wild hare and detoured 10 miles to Hancock Fabrics.  Not only was Hancock's having a sale, but I discovered they now have little key-tag cards like the grocery stores and auto-parts places have.  I don't know what you get for getting your card scanned, but it's Hancock Fabrics, so it can't be bad, right?

I got the trim I needed, some buttons, a yard of orange fabric to make one more pillowcase, and these, which were inexpensive and aren't entirely retro but reminded me of 1930's and 1940's florals, respectively:

Logantex Nana's Quilts flowers on (they say "green", I say "blue"; we'll compromise with "teal"):

Spring Creative Group tossed floral on beige:


amy said…
I had a reaction to clindamycin too (it was topical), and the dr keep having me use it because he thought it was the cleanser. Two weeks of heck before he took me off it and said to just keep cleaning. May I suggest taking turmeric (I took it in gel caps but you can take it anyway you like). It's a great healer for the skin. Hope you are better soon!!!
I think I got this before any actual damage was done: I was very spotty, but not blister-y (sorry: Terrible mental image there), but I'll keep the turmeric in mind if I decide I'm still kind of flaky.

I just want to be low-maintenance again! Aargh!