I was feeling hugely unmotivated last night but I did manage to struggle through the last of the calculations for the skirt pattern, and then cut the skirt pieces.
For those of you who thought math anxiety was over once you graduated from high school: Don't take up sewing! I must have done 25 calculations and come up with 25 different answers before I finally (I think) got them right. Hopeless; I'm just hopeless. I'd forget to take out the seam allowance. Then I'd take out too few seam allowances then too many seam allowances. Oh, my goodness! I brought the pockets with me today to baste on the piping during lunch.
That's the other weird thing: I'm having the worst time getting enough piping. I needed two packs of navy blue. Friday, I went to two Wal-Marts (ones with good sewing sections, even!) and two Jo Anns before I could get any. Wal-Mart only had black and white and the first Jo Ann was out of navy. Since I used most of one pack on the first skirt attempt, I need another. Hobby Lobby didn't have it on Tuesday. I went back to the second Jo Ann last night but they hadn't restocked over the holiday so they were still out, because I'd bought their only two packs the preceding weekend (four days earlier??). I'm going to at least one, if not two, Jo Anns tonight, and all the way out to Hancock's if I have to.
I just cannot believe, though, that I can live in a busy middle-class suburb of the fourth largest city in the United States and I can't get navy-blue piping! What is going on? If I have to order it from Amazon, I'm going to be really annoyed. Maybe I need to open a notion shop.
Also, since the first skirt came out well despite being the wrong size, I'm going to finish it as a skirt and then probably post it as a giveaway on We Sew Retro. No sense in wasting it, right?
Also, since the first skirt came out well despite being the wrong size, I'm going to finish it as a skirt and then probably post it as a giveaway on We Sew Retro. No sense in wasting it, right?