Bernat 5330: Part I

A high-school friend of mine emailed me to tell me, among other things, that she'd started a Rick Nielsen tribute sweater.  I had to Google Rick Nielsen because I was listening to Crosby, Stills, and Nash and Dylan in the Eighties.  Anyway, she's been working on it a week and is already up to the first record.

I'm a lazy, dawdly, unmotivated, knitter and the part of my brain that handles patterned knitting is missing, so I won't be doing any Rick Nielsen sweaters, but seeing her progress put a bug in my ear to knit.  I spent last night casting on a gauge swatch for a plain sleeveless pullover.  (The Beatnik Sweater is dead in the water.  The pattern and I had a falling out.  It will be revisited later.)

This means, though, that I've still never knitted anything but rectangles before.  However, I'm feeling too big for my britches and am going to do what I did with my first garment sewing project: Attempt too much at once.

The pattern I'm using is Bernat 5330 from 1945 and calls for US 4 needles and sport-weight yarn.  My plan was to use Paton's Classic Wool, which is worsted weight, so I will have some math to do. 

I'll be using the ladies' version, though, not the little boys'.  I'll probably make the ribbing along the bottom a little wider but, otherwise, leave it as-is.  The color is Patons 0231 "Chestnut", which is pretty much chocolate brown.
