Simplicity 4727: Part VII: In which Hell freezes over . . .

I bet you thought I'd given up on Simplicity 4727, the Fourth of July Dress, since it's now way past the Fourth of July and I hadn't posted anything about it.  Well, I hadn't.  A year or two ago I would have, and stuffed it into the Scrap Box of Shame, never to be mentioned again.

To pick up where I left off . . . I'd spent a lot of time tweaking the skirt since the lower body tends to give me more fit issues than does the upper body (or so I thought; this pattern may have changed my mind about this), and got it mostly assembled, only to discover that the bodice was . . .  I think I described it on We Sew Retro as "designed by a muskrat with a drinking problem".

It looked like this:

I don't think I even knew a dress could be too big in the arm-pits.

I got the pattern out again on Saturday, when I had plenty of time to devote to cutting it up and taping it back together, and started again.

The short version is that I:

1) Took one inch out of the underarm on each side.
2) Took one inch out of the center front and center back.
3) Shortened the straps by one-half inch in both front and back (one inch overall).

The fit was better but was still snug so I:
1) Added the inch back into the front and back center.

The second muslin was lumpy and weird so I:
1) Took the inch back out of the center front and took a half-inch out of the center back.
2) Did a full-bust adjustment.  This is how I know that Hell has frozen over, because I'm not full-busted.   

The third muslin was better still but still had some issues so I:
1) Lengthened the bust and waist darts.
2) The shoulder strap bucked at the back so I slashed it and rotated the strap outward/downward about half an inch.

The fourth muslin is too short, which is easily remedied, and still needs the bust darts lowered about 3/4 of an inch, but it's pretty good.  All I have is this terrible picture:

The patterns look like this now:

And they have basically no relation whatsoever to the pattern pieces with which I started (which had already been sized down!).  This was the bodice front even before I did the worst of the cutting up:
