Reenacting dress: Part II

I just spent my lunch hour tracing pattern.  Yeah.

The inspiration for this dress is on Flickr in CurtinMM's photostream, which is awesome.  Her blue yoked dress is way more accurate than mine will be.

The original pattern layout for Butterick B4903:

Proposed alterations in green (this is just a sketch; nothing here is drawn to scale or with much concern for accurate pattern shaping):

The proposed changes include:

1. Raise seam between yoke and bodice (I'm starting with two inches, although I suspect that will be too much).
2. Drop shoulder seam (again, starting with two inches with the expectation that I've overdone it).
3. Lower sleeve cap to match lower shoulder seam.
4. Reposition buttonholes.
5. Take some fullness out of the back.
6. Reduce fullness in front (should happen automatically since I'll need a fold-over to accommodate the new front button closure.
7. Adapt for front button closure.
8. Cut bodice off at . . . 20 inches or so. I'll have to measure that.
9. Add inset belt.
10. Add pockets.
11. Make skirt as full as possible.

And I really need a new petticoat and apron, but those are less important.
