I stayed up all night thinking of that post title.
Here's the finished neon bandanna quilt. It looks pretty much the same except that it has a narrow bound purple edge instead of a ragged white flannel edge.
That's Mispickel on the right, not an invading raccoon.
She was a little crazy last night.
Here's the Ingmar Bergman version:
Tuesday night, I meant to go to bed earlier but then I got distracted and stayed up too late (again) sticking tumbler blocks to the felt wall in the hallway. I don't have a picture of the wall itself but here's a reminder about the quilt top:
I would love to get this sucker done. It can be machine quilted, too, so it shouldn't be an unreasonable goal to get it entirely done and not just the top done. The felt wall is great for arranging blocks, and I pulled out two that would have been duplicates.
The up side of taking 10 years to finish a charm quilt is that, by the time you go back to work on it, all the scraps you used to have are gone and you have all new ones, so you're less likely to accidentally double up on anything.