String Beings, Late for the Dance (1995). I like this band because they're fun and they put good tunes on their recordings (I never saw them live), but jazz- and klezmer-influenced string band will never totally be my thing. They're a bit like Wild Asparagus.
Before I get started on the actual post, I just wanted to share this: The Best Way to Ripe Peaches (Tall Clover Farm).
It totally works. Kroger had peaches on sale for 99¢ a pound and of course I bought a bunch of them even though they were like baseballs. That blog post rescued them. I used huck towels and left them for about four days (checking daily) before I put them in the refrigerator, and they went from being baseballs to real peaches. I love peaches but I stopped buying them ages ago because they were never any good. Problem solved! I can buy peaches again.
I might even make a peach pie now that I don't have to do all kind of ridiculous things to make it taste like peaches. I'm also getting some spinach to make one of those peach/spinach/feta salads . . .
I did not sew pajamas this weekend, which is a progress fail, but I did sew other stuff, so I think I at least broke even. If I get extra points for finishing a mothballed project that I hated, I came out ahead.
It totally works. Kroger had peaches on sale for 99¢ a pound and of course I bought a bunch of them even though they were like baseballs. That blog post rescued them. I used huck towels and left them for about four days (checking daily) before I put them in the refrigerator, and they went from being baseballs to real peaches. I love peaches but I stopped buying them ages ago because they were never any good. Problem solved! I can buy peaches again.
I might even make a peach pie now that I don't have to do all kind of ridiculous things to make it taste like peaches. I'm also getting some spinach to make one of those peach/spinach/feta salads . . .
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Also, I made banana pudding again this weekend. It's still awesome.
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I did not sew pajamas this weekend, which is a progress fail, but I did sew other stuff, so I think I at least broke even. If I get extra points for finishing a mothballed project that I hated, I came out ahead.
Remember the horrifying neon bandanna quilt from this post? Well, on Sunday I got a wild hare and hauled it out to finish. I'd originally started tying it with buttons but decided they were uncomfortable, so I cut them all off and re-tied it in plain string. Then I did the binding.
I haven't gotten a picture of the finished quilt yet because the lighting wasn't good, but the Flickr set is here, and most of it overlaps with a photo-tutorial on quilt binding with mitered corners.
It will probably go to one of my cousins' daughters.
Mispickel approved.
It will probably go to one of my cousins' daughters.
Mispickel approved.