Simplicity 9880 (1995) Tantrum dress Part V: Revisions

Listening: Silly Wizard.  Terrible name, great band.  I have an awful crush on Andy M. Stewart's voice.

So I'm wearing the Tantrum dress today.   It's not terrible.  Less than ideal, definitely, but not terrible.  The sleeve needs to be probably two inches shorter and I need to add probably two inches width across the bust.  I brought the pieces and extra paper with me to work today so I can do that on my lunch break.  The bodice length is good--it's a bit high-waisted but not Empire--and the skirt length came out fine.  The waist is tidy but not at all snug.

I could take this two ways: A more modern version with a looser waist, smoothly-fitted sleeve cap, and trimmed down stovepipe sleeve/possible bishop sleeve option, and then a second version with a slightly more fitted waist and bishop sleeve.  I might just borrow the bishop sleeve I used for Simplicity 4718; it works well and I'd just have to tweak the cap a bit.

Really great tutorial on doing a full-bust adjustment on patterns that have gathering under the bust but no bust or shoulder darts.

My somewhat less awesome one.
