Lemmonade Live 2014

Bring Your Unicorn To Work Day

Aldebaran hanging out with Sam Houston, George Hermann, and Mac the longhorn.

Aldebaran was my raffle prize.  I've wanted one of these since I was a kid.  Big white unicorns are so Eighties, aren't they?  I love that he even has a little beard.

Lemmonade wasn't a big buying and selling show: I came home with the pet groomer set:

The dog has been declared a Pembroke corgi/Finnish spitz mix named Cherry; the foal is Rowantree Daffodil, a palomino sabino Welsh C filly; and the cat will probably get repainted to look like Mispickel.

I also got the Stablemate cutting horse set, which is new.  Mostly, of course, I wanted the dark bay Quarter Horse.  And the little baldy calf.

I sold one Stablemate and gave away a broken Silver.  I think we were all too buys--it was two days' worth of classes done in one day.  I am not kidding when I say I was wiped out for two days afterward, and I was only an exhibitor!

My big horses got creamed but my minis did well.  I have a few more pictures to upload from the camera (not the phone) but mostly, I was too busy to take many. 

I did see a 25th anniversary quagga.  Somebody brought a quagga mare and foal, made from Misty and Stormy, to Rocky Mountain Hi Live 1989, and nearly caused a riot. They were awesome:

A new quagga showed up at Lemmonade, made from a Breyer zebra.
