Simplicity 9880 (1996) Black-green Kona Part I

Listening: Cowboy Junkies.

The 11th was Mispickel's birthday (observed, since she was a foundling):

Don't worry--she didn't actually get cake.  She just got to smell cake.  She did get a nibble of chicken breast, though.

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I know, I know: Move on, already.

I made some tweaks to 9880, again: 

Closed up the neckline:

 Added 1 1/2 inches overall to the upper back

Cut in the side front slightly:

 took the extra 1/2 inch of length back out of the bodice; took an additional 1/2 inch out of the front bodice, where I'd added it during the FBA; added neck darts to take up the extra width in the back; 

widened the upper sleeve and lowered the sleeve cap.  

This dress actually goes together pretty quickly once I get moving.  I dug out the green Kona that I overdyed with black years ago, and keep not-using because it's too dark and swallows up any design detail.  

With green . . . I suspect this is a Concord print, for the sleeve and skirt facings:

 This dress doesn't have a lot of detail so it's OK if it's dark.  I'm planning on dark green buttons right now but if I really love it I could go with shiny brass.  This is normal yardage so I'm using two widths for the skirt, with side-seam pockets.

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We seem to be starting another round of car drama.  My parents are supposed to get their car back from the garage today, but they wanted to make sure the loose electrical connection was OK.  

Mine seemed OK until the clutch bailed out on the way to work this morning.  The garage was super polite.  I am not happy.  My father's theory is that somebody basically learned to do a clutch job on my car, since they don't see many clutches at GM.  Next time, I'm getting a car from a maker that sells stick shifts on a more regular basis.

You know what always cheers me up?  Health food:


Andrea said…
I also celebrate "homecoming days" for my pets if we don't know their birthdays. Well, for the pets that know their names that is ... b-days for fish and land hermit crabs pass without remark.

My condolences on the car troubles too ... in Houston life sans car is a huge hassle indeed.
June 11 is an estimate. It works out well because it's the day before my parents' anniversary. Her homecoming day was November 15, but that was the day after we put Diamond to sleep so we'd rather celebrate an approximate birthday.

They gave me a loaner, but I'm mostly really upset that my clutch worked for 12 years, and then they fixed it--and I intentionally had this done so I wouldn't have to have it done later--and it worked for two weeks. Not pleased. I don't want a new car yet, but Mazda is high on the list of possible replacements; they still sell stick shifts so maybe they will know how to fix one if it needs it.