Frankendress 2014-01: Butterick 1983 4948 and Lecien Chatter Tailors 2000's 2402

The following project has no point.

Well, I guess the point is to produce a dress, but the entire thing is being conducted so haphazardly that . . . I don't know.  Sewing by the seat of my pants.

I have no idea where I got this fabric, probably either from Sheila in Louisiana or at the antique mall.  I never find this much yardage at Goodwill or garage sales.  I think it's an old VIP print

I wanted a loosely fitted bodice so I took the bodice from 4948 . . .

  . . . shortened it, and added darts.

I'm sure this didn't actually make sense but the pattern pieces were already on hand.

I borrowed the skirt from Lecien Chatter Tailors 2402 (2000's?  It might be dated but it's mostly in Japanese so I have no idea):

The skirt is somewhere between a semicircle and a rectangle.  A gently-flared pseudo-rectangle, really.  Nothing special about this except the pattern was nearby and it was slightly faster than eyeballing it myself.

I may also borrow the sleeves from this, or at least the idea of the sleeves.  They're 3/4 length and gathered a little bit into narrow bands.

I already borrowed the bound neckline idea:

It has side-seam pockets and it will have a button band all the way down the front, with pearlescent off-white 3/4-inch buttons.  It should be just below the knee (about the same length as the 4948 flapper dresses; not so long).

(The waistline is a bit raised, and the button band will make the whole thing wider.  It's not as tall and skinny as it seems here.)
