Butterick 4948 Belle France 1983 drop-waist dress - black floral, Part I

Listening: "Long May You Run" by Emmylou Harris

Reading list: Consuelo and Alva Vanderbilt by Amanda Mackenzie Stuart.


I've deluded myself into thinking I can get this done for Friday.  Right.  I stayed up far too late last night working on it.  I got a lot done--retraced the pattern pieces, cut the bodice, did the darts, did the front facings, started the neck binding, and ran up the side seams--but I've got a long way to go.

It will have short sleeves gathered into cuffs and dark-gray pearl plastic buttons up the front.  I'm not sure yet if it will button all the way or just up the bodice:

It's kind of Wednesday Addams' grunge phase.

Later: Neck binding started.  Didn't get a whole lot done, but that's all right.

I think it's going to have to unbutton all the way down, too.  I feel like that's more, well, grunge.  If I ever have any tattered lacy underthings, I have to have a skirt to unbutton a bit to let them peek out, right?  So . . . deploy seam ripper.  But only a little; it's not a big setback.
