New York 1490 (early 1950's?) Two-Fer, Part I

Listening: Dulcimer Potential list on Spotify.  Stuff for which I need to write tab.

Also: Up to my eyeballs in Internet mourning of Tom Magliozzi.

Yes, I have a Rust-Eze sticker on my car.  And a Car Talk Plaza "parking permit", which I'm very lucky has not been stolen by any of my friends or relatives.

So we're going to by brother and sister-in-law's for Thanksgiving and, because that online quiz I took last weeks says I'm 53% girly, I want a new dress.  Of course, around here, that never means just going out and buying a new dress.  Oh, no--there's work involved. 

New York 1490, circa, um, 1950?  Unfortunately, New York patterns weren't dated and finding information on them is difficult because most pattern companies that sold in the U.S. had offices in New York, so searching "New York patterns" or whatever brings up too many hits to be of much use.  New York patterns were made from 1932 until the early 1950's, so this would have been a very late one.  If anyone has a New York catalog that features this, let me know.

 This is an impulse project. I wanted to make the housedress at left out of brown fabric with acorns (don't ask; sometimes patterns just make demands). And you can never have too many sleeveless dresses in Houston. 

I found the fabric I wanted for the sundress (DS Quilts fall 2013 Union Station, from Joann's) . . . 

(with a million miles of medium blue rick-rack trim.  This dress will be lined in muslin)

. . . but brown fabric with acorns turned out to be elusive. I got some faux-midcentury-modern fabric but it was really too orange/rust.  I've also learned, finally, that I'm a pre-MCM girl.  I just couldn't get into this.

(OMG way too orange/rust, actually.  Okay, it's not quite that bright in real life, but it's bright enough.  It will be a quilt back or something now.)

But then brown fabric with acorns (Benartex Northern Exposure acorns in "bark" brown) fell in my lap, and it would be oh, so, autumnal for Thanksgiving, so we're back on.

I've been looking for acorn buttons online.  I haven't found any I like just right, but maybe I can make some from Fimo or something.  I could do plain cream or mottled cream and brown, but acorn buttons would be so perfect.  I'm actually investigating making silicone molds, because sometimes you have to go all-out.  Also, because I'm a crazy.

It's a size too small so I spent last night--I got home early because my awesome job gives us time off to vote--tracing the pattern pieces and drawing cut-and-spread lines.
