Butterick 1977 4888 pindot quatrefoile chambray 01

Listening: Son Volt, American Central Dust (2009)

I cut the bodice for this before I did the string friendship quilt, and it's been sitting for months.

Butterick 4888, which I used to do a makeover on a baggy 1970s prairie dress, fit so well that I decided I needed to use it a lot more.  The cover illustration is so Seventies it's . . . are you sitting down?

Wedding gown with an apron, folks:

However, the bodice itself is just a prince-seamed bodice.  If you ignore the skirt and sleeve overkill, there's potential.

I'd already converted it to front-buttoning.  Seam finish was an issue but I finally went with clipping the seams, topstitching them, and then pinking what was left to reduce bulk.  The topstitching looks particularly good on chambray.

See?  Nice, normal, bodice:

I used the directions in Winifred Aldrich's Metric Pattern Cutting for Women's Wear (I have this in print but it can be seen online here) to draft an Eton collar (pages 73-74).  Worked like a charm!  I'll use this again to do a Peter Pan collar for the light green/coral floral version.

It will have metal buttons in the bodice and smaller buttons in the skirt placket.

The sleeves on this are going to take some work, but . . . muslin, muslin, muslin, right?
