
I collect model horses and have shown them off and on since 1989.  Yes, shown: A model horse show looks like a real horse show except the "show ring" is a table.  Unless it's a photo show, in which case you either label and mail your photos, or upload them to a web-based host site.

Anyway, at my first show, I won the trivia contest.  I was one of the youngest exhibitors so this was a really big deal.  It was also a big deal because I worked for it; it wasn't just a lucky raffle draw.  The prize was a Breyer Quarter Horse Yearling repainted any color I wanted by Jan Stevens.  I picked grulla, which was very fashionable in 1989.

I don't really collect customized--the terminology back then was R/H [repaint/hair] or RRH [remake/repaint/hair]--though, so I sold her.  I regretted it. 

I was pretty sure I remembered who bought her, though, so after years of dithering I contacted the woman and asked if she was the buyer, and if the model still existed.  It did!  Her brother had it!  And he was out of the hobby and starting to sell off his collection!

So, twenty-five years after I made that mistake, I have her back.  She needs some minor repairs but basically has survived really well.
