Egg and Rice

Okay, this is one of my favorite lazy meals. Makes a good breakfast, or a good quick lunch or dinner.

The basics:
1 egg
1/3 - 1/2 cup leftover cooked rice (I use brown rice, but it doesn't really matter. You could probably use barley, quinoa, or some other grain, or even couscous or orzo, instead, but I haven't tried it.)

Embellishments (about 1/2 cup, total):
diced onion (you can sautée this a little first in your pan if you want it more cooked.)
ham or a little sausage, diced
Leftover shrimp or fish, chopped
tomato, seeded and chopped
chopped green onions
chopped meat (I once used leftover smoked brisket, which was awesome)
bean sprouts
chopped vegetables
. . . whatever sounds good.

Mix ingredients in a bowl, then cook them in a frying pan, stirring like you would for scrambled eggs. It will come out dry, more like fried rice than an omelet. I like it a little bit browned.

I also like it with pepper sauce.

Anna M. says that this is called "arroz montado" ["mounted rice", if my middle-school Spanish hasn't totally failed me] in Peru (her fiance is Peruvian), and that they usually just fry an egg sunny-side up, put it on top of the rice, and cut into it so the yolk runs out. Close enough.

Cooking Louisiana illustrates Anna's version pretty well.
