American Weekly 3740: Pocket mock-up

Pocket mock-up
Originally uploaded by Little Black Car
Proof of progress!

I don't have a whole lot to show for my weekend, but I did get it all cut and marked, I made sure I had both yellow and green thread, and I finished the evening yesterday by basting the pocket trim. The trim is not actually attached to the pocket yet in this picture, but you get the idea.

Marian Martin 9359 #2 taught me always to baste rick-rack trim. The time you spend hand-basting will easily be returned to you in time you don't have to spend pinning obsessively, ripping and re-doing seams that missed because the trim slipped away from under the sewing machine foot, and struggling with buckled trim and puckered topstitching. It's so much less frustrating, I can hardly even believe it.

That said: I love this! I love the print, I love the trim, I love it all. Red, green, and yellow is one of my favorite color combinations (proof positive that "introverted" is not the same as "shy"!).
