Simplicity 6040 (1984)

Not a very interesting pattern, but since I seem to be posting concept drawings all the time, anyway.

This is a mid-1980's smock dress with shoulder yoke. It could have short sleeves but I think I like it just as well without them. I'm going to use the screaming lime green Seventies-style calico that Sheila gave me. I'm not entirely sure why I took it since it's an impossible color. I think I have an affection for Seventies calico because my mother made so many things out of it and we always have scraps of it around. Anyway, I didn't bother to draw the print because it's a tiny simplified floral in white/tan/rust/black (which reads as dark brown, I think because the other colors are brownish, and which is why I'm going with Kona "espresso" trim). You get the idea. I like these loose housedresses and it's a good use for free fabric.

The full project set is here; you can see the actual fabric in all its eyeball-searing glory.

I had to change the model's head. She had that short haircut that I've always hated, even when it was in style and I was a kid and shouldn't have cared. It also made her look like one of my fifth-grade teachers, whom I hated.

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On a happy note: Ran two miles last night.

On a happy-but-not-so-fortuitous note: It's candy corn season, which is good for the soul but bad for the healthful eating resolutions.
