New Patterns: 28 February 2011

McCall's 3460 (1975?): I looked for one of these for a long time, gave up, and then stumbled on one in almost-my-size (with free shipping!).

If you don't love that waistline, there is something wrong with you.

Butterick 4703 (1977?): This one has an identity problem--I've seen the same pattern listed in juniors' size 11 as 4704, which made it darned hard to track down. I found this one by accident, looking for something else. Maybe juniors' sizes got different pattern numbers, even for the same design?

Marian Martin 9088 (circa 1955): Freakin' awesome back-wrap sundress. This is another one I missed on eBay ages ago, gave up on finding, and then found in spite of myself.

Blue homespun gingham. It wants to be blue homespun gingham. With blue binding.
