Saturday, Saturday

I dropped the Sonya apple on the floor and bruised it, so it got eaten next. A little tough, but very Gala-like. I think I like my apples a little more on the tart side. Jonagolds remain my general favorite, but, really, I just like apples.

I cut the eclair cake into quarters and froze three-fourths of it. We'll see how it freezes. I can't possibly eat the entire thing before it goes bad otherwise. So, fingers crossed. The only thing better than an awesome dessert is an awesome dessert that is easy to make and can be frozen for later, right?

Amber Jean sent me her 1945 Bernat sweater directions. I had just found a copy of the book she has on eBay but it won't get here in the mail for a while. I need to get new needles. I knitted a swatch on US3/US5 needles and it's better--a good compromise between the tight knit I want and not completely torturing my hands.

I'm about to embark on bound buttonholes. Wish me luck!

Update, 8:40 p.m.: That tutorial rocks! They're not perfect, but I basically completed the first three buttonholes without actually messing up. Miraculous.
