Ups and downs

Ups: Fixed the bodice last night. Fixed the pattern, too, so I won't do this again. Doh!

Downs: Woke up to a sick dog. As in, I was in the back yard in my underwear at 5:00 in the morning hosing the unspeakable out of a dog crate. However, by the time Mom put her in the car to head off the vet's office just before 9:00, the dog had perked up enough to hope that the leash meant a walk, which is a good sign.

She's fifteen years old, though, and has been seriously ill more than once in the past five years, so everything that comes up seems like impending disaster. Maybe we overreact a little, but, what else do you do, right? Fingers crossed.

Update: Bacterial overgrowth. No biggie. Antibiotics, yogurt, some rice in her dinner for a couple of days, and she'll be good as new.
