Green dishcloths

I've been having some computer weirdness lately so blogging has sort of been suspended. I'm also having some crafting weirdness so I'm not getting as much done as I'd like, and there's kind of no point in blogging about, well, nothing.

The beatnik sweater has progressed far enough that I need to start measuring to see if I want to make the body as long as the pattern suggests. I suspect I might want to make it an inch or so short, but I have to try on my older sweaters to see which length I like.

Meanwhile, Sherry gave me a bag of oddball yarn from the charity sale. Most of it will get passed on to people who felt stuff, but I kept some mauve and natural wool worsted-weight, and the single solitary ball of sap-green Sugar N Cream. I absolutely hate cotton yarn but I needed it for dish cloths, to be given as housewarming gifts.

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Otherwise, yesterday was my birthday. I got four Cadillacs (1955, 1958, 1959, 1976) and a 1955 Chevrolet tow-truck in case they break down. OK, they're all 1:43 scale. Mom gave me her gently-used MP3 player and a radio transmitter for my car, and Sherry gave me a box of vintage buttons that are far too fabulous ever to risk actually attaching to garments (I'll have to post pictures). My brother sent music, because he knows you can never go wrong with music and books, right?
