New Patterns: 2011 October 3

LinkButterick 4433 (1975-1976): I think those sleeve caps need to be noted down, but, otherwise, this is adorable. Although it's kind of an updated Good Housekeeping 25 (1940's).

DuBarry 2403 (1939): Cute housedress with novelty sleeves and lots of rick-rack potential!

Oh. My. God.

Prairie skirt Heaven.

McCall's 5248 (1976): See that tan skirt second from right? The skirt that I didn't even know I needed until it popped up on an eBay link this morning? The skirt without which my life can no longer be complete??

I give up. I'm not fighting the Seventies prairie yen any more. I just can't.

Now, I need some seriously tall boots.


Sarah said…
lol -- before I even read the text I looked at that photo and went "omg that tan skirt is amazing". View E is pretty alright too. Luckily there are a ton of copies on etsy so we don't have to fight over it!
No kidding! I had eBay bucks to burn so I got this for free (well, not really, since I had to buy other stuff to get the eBay bucks, but you get the idea).

Yeah, E is pretty sweet, too. I think I might have to go whole-hog and do the rose pattern on one of them.