Bernat 5330: Part IX: Day 16

I did a few more rows but you can't tell the difference.  I'm at an impasse, anyway, until I get some stitch holders.  I found out where there's a Hobby Lobby almost within lunch-hour driving distance from work so I might go today and see if I can get one to at least get me going again (I have a coupon but you can only use one coupon at a time.  Why pay 40% off for one stitch holder out of two when I can go to my own Hobby Lobby tomorrow and get a second stitch holder for another 40% off?).

So far, so good:

Later: Okay, now I'm really at an impasse since I've done the back shoulder shaping and really can't go any further until I have those stitch holders. I'm stopping at Michael's on the way home today. I can start on the front again tonight if I get the holders.

This really is an easy pattern so far (yes, I know--don't count my chickens before they've hatched); a more skilled and more committed knitter could finish it in a couple of days.

11:30 p.m. and I should be in bed already: I made a mad last-minute dash to Joann Fabrics with coupons in my hot little hand to get a bit more of the Legacy Studio blue and white floral before it's sold out (it's already sold out online), and for stitch holders.  The back is done so I started the front and am part-way up one side of the V neck.  The stitch reductions are going to get confusing, though, so I have to slow down and mark what I've done on scrap paper (pathetic, I know, but I have a three-item memory).  I was going to sew tomorrow and Thursday but I just might knit instead since I bet I could finish.
