New models: Just About Horses special runs

I've been waiting for these for 25 years.

Halogen: chestnut sabino Trakehner stallion.  Breyer 1987 Just About Horses magazine special run of 2,000. 

Rowantree Raindrop: Black/gray Welsh section B mare.  Breyer 1986 Just About Horses magazine special run of 2,000.  

I started subscribing to JAH in 1986 and the issue that featured the drawing for this model was one of the first two I received.  However, subscribers on the East Coast, closer to where Breyer was headquartered in New Jersey, got their issues before those of us further west, and mine didn't get to Colorado in time for me to send in my entry.  I distinctly remember being heartbroken (I was nine and horse-crazy; I was not in a position to have any perspective on this).  I don't really think my parents would have spent the money on her, anyway, but, oh, how I wanted this model.
