Triangular Shawl #1 Doctor Who remnants: Part IV

I have to finish weaving in the ends, but you get the idea:

Super easy: I did a garter tab cast-on, picked up an odd number of stitches, placed markers on either side of the center stitch, and did:

Right side: Knit 1, increase (KFB in this case), knit to stitch before marker, increase (pick up knitwise and knit a stitch in between), knit center stitch, increase (pick up purlwise and knit a stitch in between), knit to last two stitches, increase (KFB), knit last stitch.

Wrong side: Purl all, except knit the center stitch.

I haven't measured it, but it's probably about 24 inches from the center back down to the point.  No pattern, just whatever mix of knit and purl I felt like doing, until I ran out of those colors of yarn.
