McCall's 2440 (1961) Back-wrap apron dress, Part II

I went home last night and futzed with the pattern for 2440.  I took a wedge out of the back piece to take up some of the slack along the center edge, but without changing the length of the side seam:

And I reduced the width of the upper half of the bodice front.  I also flattened the angle of the shoulder seam a little and raised the bottom of the armscyes slightly (not really shown here):

It's a lot better:


 I managed to tweak the shoulders on the flowered dress a bit.  It's not great, but it's more wearable than it was.  If I can get more of the fabric I might remake it.  Until then, though, I'll be making the next one out of the yellow atomic print I got a few years ago. 
