McCall's 4872 (1975) goth prairie dress Part I

Okay, I haven't actually started this yet.  I've traced and graded the pattern, but I'm waiting for the lace to arrive in the mail--I finally got the Amazon shipping notice yesterday.

Since it's October and Hallowe'en and all that good stuff . . . goth prairie dress!

McCall's 4872 (1975).

This one seems to be more flared and less baggy than Simplicity 9778 (1971).

It has the yoke I like.  I might add a band collar.  I'm doing short sleeves and a knee-ish-length skirt because I only have four yards of fabric and cannot get any more.  The waist ties will be separate so I can wear it with a belt if I want.

Black-on-black floral:

With lace trim:
