To-Do 2016 August 16

I'm failing right and left at birthday gifts this summer.  My brother's and sister-in-law's birthdays were both this month. I got him two small things and her one big, and rather weird, thing.

One of his things is new and wouldn't be available until September 1.  I knew that when I ordered it but it was cool.  No problem. 

I ordered the other one and waited.  And waited.  And waaaaaaaaaited.  And finally sent an email.  And was informed that they were waiting on a new shipment.

So I sent him a card and an apology.

I ordered her gift and got an email a few days later explaining that they were over-sold and it would be 6-12 weeks late, would I like to cancel or wait?  I opted for wait and they gave me a small discount for not canceling.  Woo hoo!

So I sent her a card an an apology.

I got a notice the other day that the waiting-for-a-new-shipment item was due to get to the vendor soon.  Step forward!

Followed by an email saying that the September 1 item would now be September 16.  Step back!

At this point, I've done all I can and I just have to sit back and watch stuff drift in whenever it feels like it, I guess. . .

And that's assuming my SIL doesn't hate her gift.  It's all or nothing: It's either genius or "you should have just gotten me socks" bad.  Fingers crossed.

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I'm taking a week off next month when everyone is away to do whatever.  Sew, read, hang with cats, stuff.  I do want to plan, though, so I don't waste and so I actually get done some of these projects.

The boring stuff:
1) Replace elastic in one petticoat and three skirts with no-roll.  This would take no time if I could just get to it, but Mom is putting a quilt top together.
2) Knit.  Finish that sweater and donate it.

Projects that I might actually achieve:
1) Butterick 6038 (1979?): I made this before and it was pretty good, but I knew less about fit then and need to remake it now with tweaks.  I have one yard of green 1/8" gingham homespun that I think will make a sleeveless, collarless, version if I'm careful.
2) McCall's 5273 (1976): Blouse and dress.  Simple, and I could use these for work.
3) Simplicity 7627 (1976): Boring, but I love the fabric and, again, would like to get this done.

I'd also like to at least start fitting the zillion shirtwaist dress patterns I have that I'm dying to sew.  I'm tired of my office clothes and I have so many fun shirtwaists planned.
