I actually made progress today at lunch. Miniscule progress, but progress nonetheless. I got two button reinforcement patches sewn on, and one button. So one pocket is completely done, one has its reinforcement patch, and one sleeve has a reinforcement patch, and I have the buttonholes on the cuffs partly marked.
(I'm sewing interfaced patches of fabric inside the dress to anchor the buttons I'm using to close the pockets and hold the sleeve cuffs up, because I don't believe the cheesy flannel will hold up. Although, to be fair, I do this with almost all my buttons. Here they are on McCall's 7500. I'm sewing these on the inside of the dress, though, not the outside. I don't know what I was thinking back then.)
So, I have to do one more button patch, three more buttons, two buttonholes (on the sleeve cuffs), and the hem. Whew.
(I'm sewing interfaced patches of fabric inside the dress to anchor the buttons I'm using to close the pockets and hold the sleeve cuffs up, because I don't believe the cheesy flannel will hold up. Although, to be fair, I do this with almost all my buttons. Here they are on McCall's 7500. I'm sewing these on the inside of the dress, though, not the outside. I don't know what I was thinking back then.)
So, I have to do one more button patch, three more buttons, two buttonholes (on the sleeve cuffs), and the hem. Whew.