
Not Dead

Chickpea Ragout

Easy Savory Sweet Potatoes

Winter Dresses

The Guinea Hens, a Tragi-Comedy

Knitting, knitting


Cauliflower with Lemon (Arnabeet Bel Lamoun)

Music Library: Cajun

Restaurant Clone: Carrabba's Spicy Lentil-Sausage Soup

Wendish Noodles

Strawberry Breakfast Bread

Iced Tea (Yes, You Do Need A Recipe)

Spinach-Feta Kugel Patty

Housedress rant

Vacuum cleaner rant

I'm here! I swear!

Marian Martin 9359, take II

Marian Martin 9359

Shawl update

Shawl progress.

New shawl

Lazy Knitting


Cooking on Cast Iron

Egg and Rice

Ham-Bean Soup